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When editing some audio in , you of course need to delete bits and pieces all over the place. But is there a way to instead of deleting them just hide them, so that there still is no gap there, but that you can un-hide that part again at any time later – without having to undo everything you have done after deleting that part?

Like if the audio file was on a strip of paper, just folding that part of the paper underneath the rest, instead of cutting it out?


@forteller If you use the latest version, you can make cuts in the audio via ctrl+I and trim/untrim the edges near the top of each clip.

@LWinterberg Thanks, but Ctrl+l just mutes the area, so there's a gap there, and I don't understand the trim thing? Sorry

@LWinterberg Ah, yes, I see. Thank you, I guess that works. Just too bad that's a lot of work compared to just selecting and pressing delete. I wanted this, but just as easily as deleting: Select and hide, with no gap appearing that you need to spend more time closing. There's so many things I need to remove, so spending more time on each is not really an option for me. But thanks for the tip anyway! It's useful to know about.

@forteller There also is a feature you can enable in the preferences called "enable cut lines", which does pretty much what you'd want it to do. manual.audacityteam.org/man/pr

It's a sort of legacy feature though.

manual.audacityteam.orgPreferences settings that affect Edit behavior - Audacity Manual

@LWinterberg Yes! That's perfect! Why would this extremely useful and logical feature be turned off by default? Thank you!

@forteller Very good question. A quick dig into the archive shows: It was an opt-in feature in 2004 when it was added (because it was buggy, and between then and 2.0 in 2010 there never was a release considered stable) and by the looks of it never was touched again after the feature was completed...

I won't be advocating to enable it by default now though - it is a much more complex feature than it needs to be (supporting recursive cut lines!), and I'd much rather have some actual ripple editing for the new trimming.

sourceforge.net[Audacity-devel] Multiclip additions commited | Audacity