I have this project I call "Children in the city" where I take photos of random things destroyed by cars, and one day...
One day, I will find some way of inserting semi-transparent images of children on top of them.
I don't know how yet, but I'll find a way. #WarOnCars #City #Cars #livablecities
@forteller I wondered why there is a nearby road sign at 45 degrees from the ground, now I see a possible reason. People told me about trees and even a house that existed until cars destroyed them like these things.
@forteller GIMP is free. You can have two images as layers and then set the top layer to be semi transparent. Not super easy if you aren't a pc super user but guide here: https://thegimptutorials.com/how-to-overlay-images/
@forteller Figma might be more accessible and they have a free trial