tutoteket.no is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Tutoteket er ein liten server med liten plass, men vi har lesestoff og god drikke, så vi klarar oss.

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my oldest has been on a #beatles binge for months now.

they were pretty good, but come on!


@tomasekeli My brother has been on a Dylan fixation for years now...

@forteller @tomasekeli

My brother was on an ABBA binge from when he was 4 to about 6. I am 12 years older than him and was listening to Black Sabath and Satus Quo!

The clincher? He was only allowed to play his music in the living room... which had no doors to the dining room, kitchen or hallway!

@tomasekeli @forteller

Mind you.... Black Sabbath earned me a really nice pair of headphones! 😉 🤣