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Could some of the streets in your city be better places for the people and the planet if some space was taken from cars and given to other things?

Can you see it so clearly in your mind, but no one else seems to understand what you're sacrificing by not changing anything?

This amazing new tool lets you just enter the name of any street and automatically generate four alternative versions of it, with flowers, trees, bikes, benches, etc


dutchcyclinglifestyle.comDutch Cycling Lifestyle

@forteller interesting, but the key changes which allow a street to become pedestrianized often happen several blocks away, changing the network so car traffic cannot usefully cut through the neighborhood and thru cars are pushed back to major streets by a maze of forced turns and bikes-only filters. It's harder to show in a picture, but residents need to see themselves either driving around the block or not driving.

@forteller Nice!

It doesn't work very well, but maybe with practice eh....

@ClintonAnderson @forteller

I agree. The suggestions aren't very practical for suburban streets. Most look like downtown Amsterdam and might be useful for downtown big cities in bits here and there, but otherwise... nahhhh.

@MaryPot @forteller On the contrary, I think Dutch design is ideal anywhere and everywhere

I just don't think this "AI" is very good at merging what's real with what is ideal....


@ClintonAnderson @forteller

Try eg. Haakon Tveters Vei in Oslo. Flower pots in the middle of the street aren't such a good idea there. 😉

@forteller exporting something people abroad think we all have down here. We think improvements are possible 🙃 So I tried it on a street nearby, and the effect is amazing! #Meppel