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New study into the human & enviro toxicity of chemicals in plastic, the most comprehensive to date, finds that of the 4200 plastics considered very harmful, just 980 are regulated. The remaining toxic plastics in broad circulation have a range of impacts from premature births to cancers, hormonal disruptions & neurotoxic effects. The study seeks to act as a framework for improved regulation in the distribution & use of these chemicals


Orig study: plastchem-project.org/

Our walls & floors are covered in a skin of plastic, our carpets plastic fibre. We wear plastic, & so often sleep in a nest of plastic fabrics. We store & prepare food with, in & on plastic. Even when we bathe we're soaking ourselves in it, with countless soaps containing phthalates, a softening plastic also used to boost the longevity of fragrances. PFAS plastic 'forever chemicals' circulate the hydrosphere, found in breast milk & on Antarctica.

80 years ago, 1 life span, none of this was true

@forteller @zicon It's not unlikely you are onto something, to some measurable degree. Strong associations have been found with hyperactivity, aggression, defiance, emotional reactivity, "delinquent behaviors" (whatever that means), signs of ADHD and exposure to phthalates. And that's just one particular pastichemical family known to be neurotoxic & a hormone disruptor


@JulianOliver @forteller @zicon

Who would have thought that changing our natural environment would change us. Like we haven't studied biology for centuries now.