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If there were any feature of Gnome I'd want, it'd be the ability to right-click any icon in the Applications menu and immediately edit the .desktop file.
Oh, and thumbnails in the file-picker seriously wth is with that.

now... why are there two...

#gnome #ubuntu


> Oh, and thumbnails in the file-picker seriously wth is with that.

Already exists, has been there for a year or so

@bragefuglseth @Baa there’s still the bug last I checked where the directory has to be thumbnailed by Nautilus before new thumbnails will show up; the file picker does not trigger thumbnailing of new files.

This will probably be resolved by switching the file picker to be provided by Nautilus, but idk.


@cassidy @bragefuglseth @Baa Yeah, I mostly just get the icon for the file type on the files I want to select. It's a big annoyance, I must say, unfortunately.