welcome to my inaugural post here on this fine website, please enjoy this pose I had to redraw before I even finished breakfast
welcome to my inaugural post here on this fine website, please enjoy this pose I had to redraw before I even finished breakfast
Have plenty of free time? Check out the new Double Fine documentary https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/02/have-plenty-of-free-time-check-out-the-new-double-fine-documentary/ #Gaming #PCGaming #Psychonauts2
Har kost meg med #DoubleFine sitt #PsychOdyssey i helga, mange halvtimes-episodar av utviklingstida til #Psychonauts2.
Overraskande sjølvkritisk og smørfin velprodusert dokumentarserie for dei som aldri får nok av #TimSchaefer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKoy_KMVIyU #YoutubeTips