tutoteket.no is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Tutoteket er ein liten server med liten plass, men vi har lesestoff og god drikke, så vi klarar oss.

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I just wanted to take a moment to tell everyone that the Fedilab Androïd app is an EXCELLENT Mastodon client, the best one in my humble opinion.
I know it also acts as a Pleroma, Friendica and Pixelfed Client but I haven't messed with that yet.

Also the developper is going through a bit of a hard time so if you can support him or go give him some words of encouragement at @apps

Testing out #android clients for #Mastodon.

#Fedilab - really good, very controllable, looks nice, works well. Too complex for a newbie, or average user
#Openvibe - interesting concep for a Bluesky, Masto & Nostr acct. Id use it more but you cannot add more than 1 of each
#Tusky - old fave, not moved on much in last couple of yrs, (edit) can add multi accts
#Pachli - newcomer to me, tidy, multi acct, nice UI.
#Trunks - didnt like it much yet
#Twidare** **- to test but was best Twtr client

Ciekaw jestem jaki procent mojego udziału w rozwoju open source podyktowany jest bezpośrednio frustracją...

W każdym razie #Fedilab po publikacji będzie teraz oferował osobom polskojęzycznym opcję "wyświetl" a nie "wyświetlacz". 😃

Przy okazji dokończyłem brakujące ciągi, jest 100%. Oczywiście zmiany będzie widać za jakiś czas, jak z aktualizacją wejdą te poprawki.

Uszanowanko dla wszystkich osób tłumaczących opensorsy na polski!

Long ago #Fedilab had a feature that allowed you to write a message and translate it to another language before posting.
This feature is useful to communicate with people when you don't speak their language. Is this something you want to see again in Fedilab?

:fedi: #FediverseTip: Did you know you can use the Fediverse to write your future self a letter?

If you have a secondary account that you can use with a client that has a post scheduling feature, then you can send a private message to your main account that will arrive in a week, 3 months or 10 years.

If you don't have such an account yet, you can e.g. get a secondary Mastodon account (hint: climatejustice.social has a 5000 characters limit) and use e.g. Tusky or Fedilab.

Then you'll just have to stay active in the Fediverse and you might get regular letters from your past. 😊