Stay angry, stay vigilant, and stay safe out there
#Protests #RiseUp #TheResistance
Stay angry, stay vigilant, and stay safe out there
#Protests #RiseUp #TheResistance
The idea that anyone can be rich if they are willing to work hard enough is the biggest piece of propaganda of the last 200 years. It's designed to keep the working class quietly working and supporting the wealthy class, believing that they will one day be wealthy, too.
'Job creators' is just another term for 'taskmasters'. And the idea behind the two terms is exactly the same. Keep them in line. Keep them working. Keep them under control.
"We have work to do, and I see some of it being done. We have to do a lot more, and we have to do it wholeheartedly, and we have to do it not knowing exactly what it will take." -- Rebecca Solnit
Do you use @riseup? If so, please send me a DM. I'm interested in obtaining an invite code.
As an autistic, neurodivergent, anarcho-syndicalist, gender-fluid individual, I'm looking for a community that aligns with my values.
I already use @cavallette, witch aligns with my anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic, and anti-militaristic views, but I'm interested in expanding my network.
YES!! Exactly this!!
DEMs need to #sitin #NoShowForVotes
NO COOPERATION! Go full #MoscowMitch on they ass.
Please do call, write or email your reps and DEMAND #civildisobdience
If this isn’t the time then no time for civil disobedience exists.
Fuck the fascists! #riseup
@petergleick yes!!!
THANK YOU San Jose, Oakland & San Francisco!!
Denver showed up, too!!
#ACLU had a few events, lots of opportunities today & more coming!
Be a part of the solution!!
#activism #riseup #fuckfascists #fuckdonaldtrump #deportmusk
Just listened to #Macklemore's new single #FuckedUp and it is honestly refreshing to hear an artist be so blunt about the shit state of this world.
It's depressing, it makes me angry and it sent shivers down my spine.
It is about time to #RiseUp and collectively and actively #OpposeFascism all across the globe!
#RiseUpForPalestine #FreePalestine #GazaGenocide #Antifascism #SiamoTuttiAntifascisti #FightWhiteSupremacy
Deleted and updated my post about moving from #ProtonMail, and is looking for another services, might I suggest any of these below:
- Riseup:
- Autistici:
- Lavabit:
- Tuta:
- Disroot:
- Mailbox:
- Posteo:
> if you are moving from #ProtonMail, and is looking for another services, might I suggest any of these
I'd add to the list.
I've been using RiseUp for about 20 years. Can confirm their service is fantastic. Please donate if you can, whether or not you use it yourself. They host online services for activists in the Global South who couldn't afford to do it themselves, and contribute to a lot of excellent Free Code projects.
I deleted my Apple News app today. In this constant state of fear and clickbait I was filling myself with dread (and giving myself a lot of homework, verifying sources and double checking with other sites).
Today, the news media no longer has direct access to me, through my phone. If anything catastrophic happens, I will find out about it the same way humans always have - through other people.
The mainstream media aided and abetted unfettered lies of too many people for too long, for views and clicks. It was just capitalism being capitalism, but this time the price is democracy and I refuse to be an active party to an institution which no longer has any integrity.
The pivot at the end, to try and save face, was far too little, far too late. The media doesn’t get to make money hand over fist platforming a serial rapist who makes headlines for a decade and then at the buzzer say “lol oops he’s fascist [now] and bad for our country” the week of the election. They made this bed and now we all have to lie in it.
When all of your “news” is distilled through the uber-rich newspapers and television networks, sane-washed to avoid defamation, libel, and slander - is it actually news? Or is it just a watered-down live blog designed to keep people complacent and docile? Afraid for their lives always, for fear of stirring the pot, and losing everything. Just keep your head down and things will work out.
No longer.
Please don’t mistake my message. I know the idea of “fake news” as a propaganda term has gotten us to where we are today, and we are about to see if the promises to dismantle democracy and take America back a hundred years are fact or fiction. I am saying consume factual, independent media curated by people you trust. Use critical thinking. And always trust but verify.
Next, read books. Fiction, non-fiction – doesn’t matter. Widen your world views and expand your horizons. Visit fictitious utopias in your mind’s eye and watch oppressive post-apocalyptic dystopias crumble by the hands the resistance, written by independent creators who participate in a craft because it is a passion, not because it made them a billion dollars.
Movies and TV I will leave to you, but I would say ditch all the paid shit and give your library a visit. With a free library card, not only can you read for free to your heart’s content, but you can access independent streaming services for free, too, like Kanopy and Hoopla. They won’t have Despicable Me 8, but you may just learn something or support independent artists.
Most importantly, disconnect in all the ways you need to maintain your sanity. The world’s problems were not created overnight nor will they be solved in that same time. The road is arduous, but worthwhile. When we all recuperate we will become more powerful, collectively, because you cannot control a free mind.
I am signing off for a while, to protect my inner peace. Disappearing into a book or an old puzzle, maybe an backlogged video game. The horrors persist, but so do we. I don’t know who, if anyone, will see this, but if it helps at least one soul it will have been worth it. Take care of yourselves and your neighbors. We’re all we’ve got.
#resist #persist #riseup #live #fightback #reading #news #puzzle #hobby #media #resistance #disconnect #offline #mentalhealth #takingabreak #TootPause
p.s. I leave you with this very important, if long overdue clip from the complex mind that was Prince. take from it what you will.
Looking for a mailing list service like #framaliste (but not French) or #riseup (but without the activist connection). Any suggestions? #mailinglist #FLOSS
@indivisibleteam THIS!
Helpful script for anyone with trouble communicating w reps or corps.
This is a good template.
I started calling my reps in 7th grade & since I had better results than I expected I still make my calls & write (mostly snail mail) my reps, MSM & corporations.
Give it a try!
We need every voice to #RiseUp
Wir leben in einer Demokratie, in der Politiker*innen sich weigern, wissenschaftliche Fakten auszusprechen. Sie weigern sich, die Klimakrise als die Bedrohung anzuerkennen, die sie bereits heute gehäuft auch in Deutschland darstellt und dessen Folgen erschütternd zu spüren sind von unzähligen Familien, dessen Häuser gerade weggespült werden. Es ist unsere Pflicht, Widerstand zu leisten, wenn die Politik nicht die notwendigen Hebel in Bewegung setzt, um uns und kommende Generationen vor den Folgen der Klimakrise zu schützen. Du kannst sagen, dass du das zu radikal findest oder dass das gerade nicht in dein Leben passt, aber ich habe Angst davor, dass wir die Kurve nicht kriegen. Und ich kann nicht mehr einfach zusehen, wie uns die Zeit davon läuft.
‘Here We Are. Hire Us’: Alliance of Latino Executives and Rise Up Partner on Showrunner Development Program
#Variety #News #AllianceofLatinoExecutives #RiseUp
From the River to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Lowkey - Palestine will never die.
#freePalestine #ceasefireNow #endTheOccupation #FromTheRiverToTheSea #music
Greta Thunberg detained at Fossil Free London protest
Met Police have nothing better to do while London kids stab each other to death than harass peaceful protests?
Dear fellow #climate radicals, is developing handsomely and we are expecting 200 delegates in October, 50 from outside europe.
Here above you can find the list of officially backing organizations which include #EndeGelaende and #RiseUp Movement. Atlanta Forest Defenders will come and also #FuturosIndigenas, #CNI, #Yasunidos and other Latin American #ClimateJustice movements.
here you can find the program
what pride means to me
by cobie, age 46
this started off as a mere toot but the more i wrote, the longer it surpassed mastodon's character maximum. and, well, i had to resort to other means of posting this and i don't have the patience to do a thread.
guess i had a lot to get off my chest. take from this what you will.