#Argentina: #GeneralStrike called against repression of protests, economic policies like wage suppression, and increased #IMF debt

#Argentina: #GeneralStrike called against repression of protests, economic policies like wage suppression, and increased #IMF debt
#Pakistan: #union members #SitIn at railway headquarters, say #IMF and #WorldBank pushing for #privatization that would be disastrous for both workers and travel prices
#Greece: “You count profits. We count lives.” Hundreds of thousands in streets for #GeneralStrike on anniversary of rail disaster
#SouthKorea: government sentences #union activists to prison after threatening to break #strike with commandos and special forces
Russian normies asking on Telegram (translated): ”When are the negociations?”, ”Just end this shit let me live live in peace!”
This is AFTER long-range strikes by Ukraine have intensified.
Biden & Sullivan’s math about these strikes don’t seem to have added up.
#Providence Health: 5000 nurses, doctors on #strike. "Providence used to be a nice community hospital, and now it’s venture capital with health care as a side gig."
#HaroldDaggett, the #union boss behind port #strikes makes over $900K a year, owns a yacht, drives a Bentley — & has alleged ties to the Mafia.
Fuck yeah #train workers and creativity during #strikes, this is old but super cute https://www.eurogunzel.com/2018/11/striking-french-railway-workers-push-barbecue-tram-tracks/
@w7voa So tell me again about our not needing immigrants. Tell me how your kids really want the jobs these striking hotel workers are doing. Yeah, sure they do! #strikes #immigration
#Portland folks, #grocery worker #strikes this week!
TL;DR: Fred Meyer and New Seasons are having grocery worker strikes soon, shop accordingly.
The following two grocery worker strikes are starting this week:
- Fred Meyer 1-week strike, starting today at 6am and lasting for one week, or until management starts bargaining in good faith, whichever comes first.
- New Seasons 1-day strike, this Sunday ( August 30 ).
"Ukraine strikes oil depot in Rostov region supplying Russian troops, sources say"
#newsukraine.rbc.ua #Tanks #strikes #Ukrainian #Army #Forces #oildepot #occupiers #KamenskShakhtynsky #defenders #Rostov
#German #Ukraine
#Angriffskrieg #Europa
#Ukraine #Armee #Kursk
#Krieg #Russland #Diktator
#Invasoren #Video
https://www.eucup.com/750581/ Great Long-range Strikes | Best of EURO 2024 #ArdaGüler #EUCUP #EUCUP #Euro2024 #EuroCup #EURO2024 #eurocup #France #goals #LamineYamal #LongRange #Netherlands #SPAIN #Strikes #The_Latest #turkey #türkiye #UEFA #UefaEuro2024 #XaviSimons
I just watched #Matewan I don't understand why I hadn't heard about the #film until earlier this year. It deals with a very interesting period in American, #WestVirginia specifically, #LaborHistory. Just a great film. Hit me in the heart.
#Samsung #strike: after collapse of no-union policy, #union members making presence felt. Although struggle in early stages, it signifies practical collapse of Samsung's no-union management
New Podcast! "28 May 1936: Popular Front strike wave" on @Spreaker #france #history #strikes https://www.spreaker.com/episode/28-may-1936-popular-front-strike-wave--60193784?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
New Podcast! "8 May 1978: Peru great education strike" on @Spreaker #history #peru #strikes https://www.spreaker.com/episode/8-may-1978-peru-great-education-strike--59910796?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
New Podcast! "2 May 2022: Eswatini textile strike" on @Spreaker #eswatini #history #strikes https://www.spreaker.com/episode/2-may-2022-eswatini-textile-strike--59762582?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
New Podcast! "30 April 2022: Dubai Deliveroo strike" on @Spreaker #deliveroo #dubai #history #strikes https://www.spreaker.com/episode/30-april-2022-dubai-deliveroo-strike--59718236?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon