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What's your favorite song about bicycles/biking?

At the moment mine is Bicycle by filous. It's just so catchy!

Also, it's got a fun music video youtube.com/watch?v=aME2ABI1GX

@organictraveller Ah, yes! I've heard it before, and it's really catchy, even though I understand just a little bit. At the end it's something about if you'd ridden a bike instead of staying still in your car in traffic you'd already been at your destination, right? Never seen that funky music video, though. Fun!

@forteller Yes, the last stanza calls drivers of different car brands by insulting, yet rhyming names (Popel - bogey, Dödel - muppet, Blödmann - dumb ass, Affe - ape) and concludes: "Only connoisseurs are riding bikes, and are always first at the finish."

@forteller Moreover the lyrics are clearly #antifascist (his - the singer's, #SebastianKrumbiegel's -) #bike isn't brown - as #nazist uniforms, instead he painted it blue - a synonym for drunk- as that's a state he sometimes is in.

@mastobikes_de @forteller @organictraveller @fedibibikes_de Another German Dude with another German song. I love “Fahrrad fahr’n” by Max Raabe because it is so positive and optimistic:


@forteller @organictraveller
Lyrics translated as good as I can:
Sometimes life is pretty easy
Two wheels, one handlebar and that's enough
When I ride my bike
Then the world is simple
The cars are stuck in a traffic jam I ride by
All the lights are green, the lane is clear
When I ride my bike
Through the middle of town

@forteller @organictraveller Riding my bike
When I ride my bike
I pedal my bike
And I don't need no motors
Riding a bike
There's nothing quite like riding a bike
For me the ideal
The wind blows around my ears

@forteller @organictraveller Sometimes everything in life goes smoothly
Provided you've got a bike
Then your thoughts fly
And you don't have to fill up your tank
The police greet you in a friendly way, "Good day!"
Cause I always do everything right
If you're without a bike
I could lend you mine

@forteller @organictraveller Riding a bike
There's nothing like riding a bike
I don't need a car
All I need is two tyres

And when it rains
I'll wear a cap
And if it rains again
I'll put up with the rain
It's better than walking

(Ride a bike, ride a bike, Ri-, Ri-, ride a bike)

Riding my bike
When I ride my bike
That's the best
And airs up the sandals

@Dadmin Wow, what an amazing video! I love it! Thank you also for the translation of the lyrics. Great stuff! @organictraveller

@funkel Haha! Utenom teksten (og videoen oppdaget jeg nå) er det en av de jeg liker minst, så selvsagt er det din favoritt! Utrolig hvor like vi er ellers, samtidig som vi har helt motsatt musikksmak, ass :D

@forteller Ja, det er jo faktisk ganske imponerende!

@forteller Here’s Zoe Lewis performing “Bicycle” in her live show here in Provincetown. It’s all about the joy of riding down the town’s Commercial Street in the summer: youtu.be/kowWPIPmn90

@bikescape Great stuff! Loving when they use a bicycle as an instrument. Reminds me of Spin, an album/one woman performance/concert by Evalyn Parry evalynparry.com/spin/

evalynparry.comevalynparry.com / Evalyn Parry’s SPIN

@forteller jeg liker "Op fietse" fra Skik (Daniel Lohues) best: youtu.be/d1bYRaihts0 🙃💚🚴 "Hvem gjør meg hva? Har nok luft i dekkene, har ingenting å klage"