tutoteket.no is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Tutoteket er ein liten server med liten plass, men vi har lesestoff og god drikke, så vi klarar oss.

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@sotolf Sure, but they don't have to be uploaded to the server for you to write the alt text. Just show the image on the website/in the app, and upload after pushing publish…? No?

@forteller @sotolf It's the Web 2.0 way, media uploads and statuses are separate in the Mastodon API. This would have been useful e.g. if uploading a file type that cannot be displayed by the browser without a server-side conversion (I don't know if such are supported here).

I think a client application could easily simulate what you need, allowing all editing before posting the images and then uploading everything almost at once. I don't know which ones do that.