TL;DR: how do you #podcast?
My super nerdy kid has decided she wants to spend the rest of her hot summer break creating a podcast in which she teaches parents how to help their elementary aged #kids with #school.
She's all in. First episode recorded, eps 2-4 sketched out.
What comes next?? How do you go from recording to #podcasting? Not looking to make money! Just trying to support her efforts to find her true calling and save other kids from their clueless parents.
@DrTCombs The neat thing is that any website that let's you upload audio files and creates an rss feed will do. Including Mastodon or WordPress. But there are also specific podcasting services, like podcast plugins for WordPress, or @Castopod.
And as someone else mentioned, Audacity works fine for editing, and is free both as in beer and as in freedom :)