tutoteket.no is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Tutoteket er ein liten server med liten plass, men vi har lesestoff og god drikke, så vi klarar oss.

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Yeah, so this isn't working for me. Anyone else?

Edit: Editing the post to move the tags to a separate line did the trick for me. Let me know if the tags in this post are not displayed below the image for you.

Can confirm I too am seeing no change to the affect of trailing tags on posts such as yours.


@DopeGhoti Well, I tried editing my post to have the tags in a separate line, and then it worked for me. Have a new look and let me know how it looks for you now.

It still looks the same to me, but it may be an artifact of my instance being a Glitch-soc fork, albeit one running v4.2.0rc2 as of this writing.