Please, can someone tell me how I can save this plant? I've already removed a ton of leaves because they've become too yellow. And it doesn't stop :(
@forteller looks like over watering to me. Also they hate being moved… are you good at giving it a little water once every two weeks? If you have moved it it may just be shedding to adjust
@forteller Most likely thing is too wet or too dry: you want to keep schefflera fairly dry without it being bone dry, so is there a possibility it's been over-watered? The good news is that I had one of those go down to a handful of leaves left and then pull round.
@Exilian @kult_epigenetic Thank you both! Yes, I'm guessing I've been over watering, then. My problem is that over and under watering has the same effect, so I never know It's not been moved for a long time, so I'll just try to reduce the watering. Thanks also for the hope that things can get better no matter how bad it looks
That is a schleffera, if you want to google it. The common reasons related to yellowing leaves are: too little light, too low humidity, overwatering and bugs.
Given that it is located by the radiator, I'd suspect a draft of dry, warm air. Try moving it somewhere else, which might temporarily increase the yellowing, until it adapts.
Does the pot have holes for drainage? You should ensure that it dries out a bit between watering - but not bone try.
And check for bugs.