Oh no, after decades Windows is finally copying one of the main selling point of Linux — the ability to update your PC without restarting https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/microsoft-wants-to-update-your-windows-11-pc-without-forcing-you-to-reboot
Well, we'll see. I think they've said this before.
@gnomelibre Oh, huh, no idea how that happened! Thanks! I'll edit
@forteller Your link is about CoPilot. Are yo sure that you didn’t pick the wrong one?
@TritTriton Huh, no idea how that happened! Thanks for letting me know. Updated now
Doing system updates without rebooting can cause problems. #Fedora stopped doing this a while ago...
@forteller In the mid 2000s a person I worked for said to me without any trace of irony 'I think a big advantage Windows has over Linux is that all the updates are in one place'.
@forteller Generally speaking, Windows doesn't actually need to reboot after updates - it's similar to Linux in that it's recommended. But rather than allow the user to make the choice, Windows tries to force you. It's paid software, so it's something they decided to do.
Maybe this change is really just allowing the user to choose and/or automatically restart services affected by the updates (where possible)