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It's incredible how much evil villains are capable of getting done, considering how much time they spend gazing, ruminating and pondering

Also, if this movie is going to use digital puppets, why isn't the whole thing just a 3D animation film?

Truth, justice, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope

I only watched like 1/4 of this movie or something before I gave up. Sorry, Star Wars is just not my thing! (also my mood is kinda a whole thing these days, and I was alone, so that might also have contributed. Don't hate me ;))

@forteller I've been on my own for 4-5 years now, and don't think I've watched a movie unless I'm with people, it's a social thing for me it seems, I never really thought about it much before.

@forteller Considering how much dumb shit the world's richest man can do and still remain the world's richest man, that's pretty realistic if you ask me.

@Uglesett You do have a point! I guess they have people to do all their shit for them.

@forteller As Grrlpower suggests, many get third parties to do the actual work. Like the thunder-on-demand button.

@forteller Ah, but I think that's seniority, no?

Once you've reached the level where you have time to ruminate, stare and ponder you have several levels of minions to do your evil bidding like:

"Build me a really big gun! No. A REALLY big one! Like... {staring into the sky} As big as a moon!"