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I've had this project for a few years, where I bike to parks in my city and micromap them in after. I've updated/added 100+ parks in OSM this way.

Recently I started a "dugnad" in the Norwegian OSM community to close the oldest notes. Last night someone mentioned that we're getting close to 10 000 closed notes in Norway.

Naturally I was unable to go to bed until I reached the threshold.

Funnily enough note closed in Norway was among others in a park!

Btw, in our "dugnad" we are now only 4 notes away from closing all notes added in or before 2019!

We started with two notes as old as 9 years old, and worked our way up.

@forteller Such an amazing achievement! 👏 Thank you for all your contributions to OpenStreetMap 🙇‍♂️

@djh Thank you so much! I appreciate that! :)

@Børge A. Roum Fantastisk innsats! Så nettopp du fikset en av de jeg har lagt inn også. Tenker alltid jeg skal sjekke de opp seinere når jeg legger dem inn, men så glemmer jeg det.

@harald Tusen takk! Så bra at du legger inn merknader om ting du ser som må fikses, men som du ikke får til i øyeblikket. Og gøy at jeg fikset en av dem :) Veldig fint om du går gjennom merknadene dine og ser om du kan fikse noen av dem nå :)

@forteller I also love getting out on a bike, take a lot of GPS tagged pics and record the GPS trace, and then micromap everything about the bike infrastructore on #OpenStreetMap. Unfortunately, I have a bit of a delay in processing the pictures I took... last autumn...

@nicemicro @forteller u0loadntuek somewhere like KartaView, Mapillary or others. There's one launched by France's IGN I think...

@nicemicro @forteller it's called @panoramax. OSM-FR has one instance running.

There also #Mapilio for uplading that, unlike #Mapillary it's not owned by Facebook. (It also has iD integration)
@nicemicro @forteller