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It seems like I have successfully protested to the use of my texts and photos for the training of Meta's generative AI on both Fb and Instagram. In both cases I posted a short text more or less like this: "I am on principle against the use of other people's copyrighted material for the training of generative AI, and strongly protest that my text and photos are used for such training." Feel free to re-use that. For whatever good it might do.

@arnfinnp I wrote something along the lines of "No, I don´t want to." and got the message they would honor it. Based on that, and the fact I have seen people with good answers get a "no", I feel the yes/no is very arbitrary.


@klefstadmyr @tanketom @arnfinnp I wrote "fuck off with your ai bullshit". That worked too.

@forteller @tanketom @arnfinnp Now I want to enable it again, just to send an application like that.