What Linux applications has implemented the FreeDesktop/XDG background portal feature?
Any torrent clients? Any apps at all actually fully supports it yet?
@forteller Reposting because I am personally interested in XDG implementation.
@forteller NewsFlash does https://apps.gnome.org/NewsFlash/ .
It also had a setting to turn running in the background off so I immediately turned that off. :D
@mattiasb Cool, thanks! I'll give it a try :)
@mattiasb @forteller For us oldtimers who stick to Liferea for syndication feeds reading, this is the ticket https://github.com/lwindolf/liferea/issues/1418
@forteller GNOME Boxes. You mark a VM to "Run in Background" in the VM Preferences, then close the Boxes window.
@forteller Showtime and Pika Backups come top of mind.
Unfortunately Tuba's implementation is a tiny bit incomplete before I'd call it a "perfect showcase":