HoST bringt jeden humanoiden Roboter zum Aufstehen
Humanoide Roboter lassen sich in manchen Situationen schnell aus dem Tritt bringen und stürzen. Ein neues Framework soll sie schnell wieder aufstehen lassen.

HoST bringt jeden humanoiden Roboter zum Aufstehen
Humanoide Roboter lassen sich in manchen Situationen schnell aus dem Tritt bringen und stürzen. Ein neues Framework soll sie schnell wieder aufstehen lassen.
Hey everyone involved in #ComputerScience, are you looking for a #job in #academia?
Aalto University in Finland has several positions open for assistant professors. The topics include #MachineLearning, #Programming, #ComputerArchitecture, #CyberSecurity, #SoftwareEngineering and Human-Computer Interactions.
This article in the FT today about the astronomical valuations of a lot of #AI start-ups - most of which seem to have little idea of how they will make revenue let alone profits made me wonder: Google Graphcast , WeatherNext and other NWP applications of #MachineLearning have presumably cost hundreds of millions of dollars too, what could we have done with that money in the #weather and #climate space? Never mind the publicly funded weather services, who provided most of the training data for these services?
Who needs revenue when you’re a multibillion-dollar AI start-up?
"Call it vigilante justice or guerrilla tactics, but there’s a sense of stalwart duty as the lab attempts to dismantle generative AI."
Kelley Engelbrecht for Chicago Magazine:
Sekunde statt Stunde: KI lokalisiert verschmelzende Neutronensterne schneller
Verschmelzende Neutronensterne verraten sich durch Gravitationswellen. Für die Beobachtung der Kilonova bleibt aber nicht viel Zeit. Helfen könnte bald eine KI.
Turing-Award-Gewinner warnen vor aktuellen KI-Entwicklungen
Zu schnell, zu ungeprüft, zu profitorientiert: Turing-Preisträger Andrew Barto und Richard Sutton kritisieren KI-Entwicklungen.
Machine Learning mit Python – KI und Deep Learning in 5 Sessions erklärt
Ab dem 09.04. lernen Sie in fünf Sessions künstliche Intelligenz zu entwickeln: Machine Learning, neuronale Netze und Deep Learning – alles effizient in Python.
In this week's #SETILive #podcast, Franck asks Daniel Angerhausen about the possible commercial uses of their new algorithm that helps find anomalies on the lunar surface.
Listen to the full episode:
People seem to really like one of my earlier projects.
It was even translated into 7 other languages !
"Make Your Own Neural Network"
* no previous expertise needed
* introduces basic python and Jupyter notebooks
* explains learning from examples
* builds a simple network to classify handwritten numbers
all the code is on GitHub
Hello #fediverse #introduction
I'm Michael, professor in the institutes of #mathematics and #materials science and head of the @MatMat group at #EPFL.
I work on the #atomistic simulations of materials, mainly density-functional theory (DFT) methods, understanding #simulation errors and #uncertainties in predicted materials properties.
I use techniques from
#physics #computerscience #machinelearning and
develop related #julialang packages such as the density-functional toolkit (#dftk).
What can the code of open source predictive policing software tell us about the tool?
See our new article in DHQ:
#machinelearning #critcode
#criticalai #artificialintelligence What can bears, tardigrades, and worms teach us about surviving deep space? #Anxiety #ArtificialIntelligence #Bone #CaenorhabditisElegans #DNA #eye #Genetic #MachineLearning #Muscle #MuscleAtrophy #NextGeneration #physiology #RadiationExposure #research #sleep #space #Stress
TinyML (the ML stands for machine learning) is a low-cost, low-power implementation of AI that is being increasingly adopted in resource-poor regions, especially in the Global South. In contrast to the large language models (LLMs) that have dominated the news with their versatility and uncanny knack for humanlike expression, tinyML devices currently have modest, specialized capabilities. Yet they can be transformative. Murugan’s tinyML-equipped drones, for example, have been able to identify cashew leaves with the fungal disease Anthracnose with 95% to 99% accuracy. They should save farmers time they would otherwise spend looking for signs of disease themselves. And their ability to target treatments to diseased plants removes the need to indiscriminately spray pesticides on all the plants, which is both expensive and damaging to health and the environment.
$2–$60: Cost per device (including sensors)
≤1–100 milliwatts: Average power consumption per device
$25K–$70K: Average cost per AI chip, requires tens of thousands of chips
700–1200 Watts: Average power consumption per AI chip
#DeepSeek plans to #OpenSource 5 of its code repositories next week, letting anyone download, build on, or improve the code behind its #AI models Fernando ! podría firmar c autoría si lo hizo una LLM #Machinelearning (image elRancagüino) #chile #Press
Join us on Tuesday for an evening of #MachineLearning Learning in #Astronomy! Ashod Khederlarian of the University of #Pittsburgh will share how state-of-the-art machine learning techniques are used to analyze vast astronomical datasets.
We have a special venue for this event: the Allegheny Observatory has graciously agreed to host the talk! After the talk, observatory staff will offer a free private tour of this fascinating scientific landmark.
Ready to dive into Machine Learning with Python? Join us for the Machine Learning in Python with scikit-learn workshop! Enhance your skills with practical learning and expert guidance.
Don't miss out—register now!
#MachineLearning #Python #DataScience"
heise+ | Fotos in einer Sammlung finden: Multimodale KI in Python einbinden und befragen
KI kann Bilder analysieren und Fragen dazu beantworten. Wir zeigen, wie Sie ein solches KI-Modell in Ihr Python-Skript integrieren und damit Metadaten erzeugen.
Human values in datasets used to train #AI could have significant implications for how AI systems interact with people and approach complex social issues. A computer and information technology scholar explains: #machinelearning