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So, requested my #Snapchat account to be deactivated. Naive me for thinking "this isn't #Meta , Google, Microsoft or X, they are their own thing, so it is probably ok"


#Instagram felt like sane and friendly compared to this mess. I am actually kinda impressed.

I am somewhat hoping my team will consider a different platform thingie for "social team interaction", but I just cannot be on that platform even if I miss out. I hung in there for a bit to share Halloween stuff to them. That is done, now I am off.

Any of the standard "group chat" apps, Telegram, Signal, Discord, should be FAR better than this.


A less redacted version of a lawsuit from New Mexico, reveals that Snap was internally discussing 10,000 monthly reports of sexstortion, and acknowledged that it was a small fraction of what was going on, due to how hard it was to report incidents, as early as 2022.

In one report, Snap's own employees discussed an account that had over 75 reports of Nudes and minors, yet remained active.

The Verge · Snap employees were well aware of the app’s child safety issues, newly unsealed complaint saysBy Lauren Feiner
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@j12t Look to what the kids are doing: TikTok and SnapChat have an expanded range of interaction. In addition to the Like/Share/Repost, you have the Duet and Stitch functions, which allow for a lot of interaction between the users. These are the "yes and" of improv, and can be a lot of fun.

Separating the audio track from the video and allowing the users to remix that and/or the video helps too.

I'm sure there's more; I only use a fraction of what's there. #TikTok #SnapChat