tutoteket.no is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Tutoteket er ein liten server med liten plass, men vi har lesestoff og god drikke, så vi klarar oss.

Administered by:

Server stats:

active users

Idea for paid fediverse apps, like @ivory and @apps: Set aside a small amount of the price and give that money to the hosts of the servers your users are using.

This obviously means you will need to collect data about which servers are being used with your clients, which should be opt-in. Still the same percentage should be set aside for this from all sales, and divided among the servers used by those who opt in.


Why? Because for you to even have a business at all the needs to work. So the whole ecosystem needs to be economically sustainable for you to thrive. We are all interdependent of each other here! Most fediverse instances does not have what you have: A way to make users give them money. Still they need it to stay up, and you need them. Sure, if one instance goes under the users can switch, but how many actually will? You will lose a ton of potential customers every time.

@ivory @apps

Also, I just think it's a great sales pitch: We help the fediverse thrive – a percentage of each sale goes to keep your instance running and the fediverse diverse.
@ivory @apps