Everyone is saying that Chris Spargo is filling a Tom Scott shaped hole in their heart with his series 'The Small Questions'.
Everyone is saying that Chris Spargo is filling a Tom Scott shaped hole in their heart with his series 'The Small Questions'.
Just wondering... #Poll #AskFedi #AskMastodon #TomScott #MultipleChoice #VoteNow #RegisterToVote
> Telling someone what you did with #ChatGPT is worse than telling them about your dreams.
- #TomScott #LateralCast [ep. 93] #AI #LLM
And here it is, the last video on the #TomScott channel, in this format, on this weekly cadence.
And what a very Tom Scott video it is.
Thank you, sir. I will keep watching your many other things you're already doing, and I'm sure to check out whatever new experiments you'll embark on when that time comes.
It's been a lovely ten years and I haven't even seen the entire back catalog yet.
@vam103 Thanks!
tomscott.com/newsletter/2023-1… confirms it, any remaining videos have already been filmed and I wish him all the best in whatever he discovers he wants to do next.
There is a lot of the last ten years that I haven't yet seen! I'm enjoying the joyful snippets from Lateral and it's also introducing me to other great science-oriented creators that I have added to my feed. I haven't yet checked out Tom Scott Plus.
An educational video about music video tropes, shot using all the tropes.
#TomScott : "If Educational Videos Were Filmed Like Music Videos"
Not available on iTunes or Spotify.
Why is the #dub different from the #subtitles?
If you guessed "different media, different limitations" you guessed right, but #TomScott provides the details, fun examples, and more about the art of translation in general, using his own show as a case study.
#TomScott køyrer modellskipa som godsskipkapteinar øver på. 1:24-skala! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jplrbxI5GN8 #YoutubeTips
#TomScott er alltid verd å høyre på. Her tenkjer han høgt om #AI og framtida, og formulerer eit par ting om «jamen, vi mennesker inspirerast også av det rundt oss» som eg må innrømme eg har tenkt i det siste når det gjeld «AI stjeler»-debatten.
Eg ser det er forskjell, altså, eg synest berre det er ein spennande debatt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPhJbKBuNnA #YoutubeTips
#TomScott needs no further introduction, men dette er ein herleg video om noko så spesifikt som ein analog, sveitsisk tanks-simulator frå 70-talet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcQifPHcMLE #YoutubeTips
Tom Scott takes a ride on a moving radio telescope
#science #astronomy #telescope #radiotelescope #tomscott #space
Did 18th century firefighters really let buildings burn if their insurance marks weren't on them?
No, but sometimes yes if they did not show up in time.